The Following information are extracts from material supplied and written by
" An outline of my experience over an 18 year period in communication with an ' all seeing ' cosmic council who oversee our planet. They are disturbed by what they see, but who have to conform to an ethic which prevents them from interfering. They have said that there WILL be a landing on the planet, and will be bigger than anything I CAN IMAGINE.ö
ô I make contact by taking people into their past lives, then deviating from that ( ôChristosö) to other methods. I do not believe that I am in fact taking people into their past lives, but into a ôtime zoneö where they accidentally are able to enter into energies from the past and experience things from, or through the energy of a person who has lived previously. On two occasions only over an 18 year period have I had a person going through an experience that could have been a past life ( of their own ).
I believe that I am taking people into past energy experiences in a manner similar to tuning a dial on a radio. Changing wavelengths ( frequencies ), NO HYPNOSIS IS USED.
Case 1.
ô I had ætakenÆ someone to Tasmania to see their brother. Some time later, the brother had said that at that time he had seen a æ ghostly spirit æ appear before him. Although, I do not believe that I really send the persons Astral to communicate with someone else.ö
Case 2.
ô In November 1978, after æ sending æ a person interstate to æseeÆ a friend, I
æ tookÆ her to Bali, to ævisitÆ my girlfriend who was on holidays there with friends. My subject did not know my girlfriend, and this was the very first time she had met me.ö
ô My subject said æ I can see an Island full of green trees....I am going into a Hotel....
I can see a naked woman in bed with a man with black bushy hair.... and a black beard....she is pulling the sheet over her ....she is yelling at not tell John...
he must never know.Æ
ôThis blew me out. The next day on ringing her friend in Perth, I told her what had happened. My girlfriends friend then confirmed that it was all true, in every detail.ö
Case 3.
ô On 25 th November 1978, I was æ travelling æ a girl named Sue. I ætookÆ her to Melbourne to æseeÆ her boyfriend. She made contact and was describing what she could see.ö ô His truck is outside....he is sleeping.... ThereÆs a force....I am going North....I am in Space....I can see the Earth getting smaller....I have been told to enjoy it....someone else is giving the orders....have been told to stop for a while....telling me not to be afraid.... they know what we have been doing... they have been watching and waiting... they are showing me yellow flowers... I am going by Mountains... they are different to ours... they are angular, but straight.... leaning to one side.... I see big dried flowers like Sun Flowers.... I am travelling over land again... they are watching and will teach... enough for now, I am coming back.ö
Again on 27 th. November, Sue had another contact.
" I am being pulled across mountains... I am circling a yellow Planet of red poisonous gases ô.
John... Are they from Mars ?
Sue... No
John... Spacemen ?
Sue... No. Just some people who are wise... just ô us ô.... showing me a blue Planet... It is a different Planet.... a gas formation.... I do not understand.... they are showing me so we can better understand what goes on in our minds.... we have no idea how to enjoy the mind.... they are showing me a planet... I am in a lake.... but it is not a lake.... it is milky.... transparent... it is part of Oreanus?... Coreanus?... Orenious?... Orenis... I am not sure which.... I am now beyond the mountains and lakes.... there is a City.... it is translucent.... things like square boxes.... they have no need of vehicles.... I am in a meeting hall.... can not speak for awhile .... being told things by the entities.... have now left the meeting hall.... It is different.... warm.... there is a Throne.... their leader... helloö.
John... ôAsk him how the problems of humanity can be solved.ö
Sue... ôHumanity must learn from itÆs mistakesö.... I think his name is æOannesÆ.... only time will bring understanding.... with our protection is a feeling of love.ö Sue continues, ô He is taking me to see the children and furry animals.... Oannes said to me that ô you are not ready in this life time, you must come back ô.
Sue to John...ö You are not allowed to look into things that are not shown.... I only know what I see.... that is true.... he is saying good-bye... he is waving.... I am being pulled down.... I am in England.....ö
These were the first of hundreds of communications from these entities. Other entity types include at least two from silver clad entities who claim they are from Mars. We have æ met æ with ô wise Men ô in spaceships out from our Planet who come from a higher order which is connected with the ô White Council ô.
A lot of the readings have been quite strange, others have made accurate predictions. The overall attitude seems to be a deep concern for the direction Man is heading for, and what we are doing in the World.
On 14 th. November 1979 my subject was a Lebanese man from Mt. Newman. He described meeting with an ancient ô wise man ô in a huge oval space ship high above the Earth. This white haired, white bearded man said that he had detailed records of all of the people on Earth. The Bible, Isaiah: 40-22 says ô There is One who is dwelling above the circle of the Earth...ö I ask, is this the very same person?
Most people are familiar with what is known as ô near death experience ô. When someone suffers a bad illness or accident. They see other people, sometimes members of their own family who have died. The victim feels wonderful and peaceful and nearly always wants to go to this next realm. They have to make the decision whether to die or return to their life on Earth on the basis of their love or obligations to their family. Sometimes during this experience they see or travel down a tunnel of light, or hear sweet music. This has also happened while taking people on æ travels æ, having experiences of near death experiences.
The ability to communicate with these entities, spirits and extra-terrestials etc, has to be part of the overall meaning of life. Glimpses perhaps deliberately given to a few to re-enforce our spiritual awareness, or an attempt to guide mankind to a less destructive path than the one we are on.
I call these contacts ô The White Council ô, which they accept. Prophet, Elizabeth Clare from the US. claims to receive messages from " The Council of the Great White Brotherhood ", ascended Masters and God free Beings. These seem to be the same entities I am in contact with.